Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Fall

Hair problems may include extensive and severe hair loss, premature graying of hair, baldness, alopecia, dandruff, split ends, excessive dryness of hairs. These are some very common complaints about the hair. In these complaints, the fall of hair seems a very simple but serious issue. In the start almost all ignore it but when thick hair became thin and the probability of baldness seems then seriousness is noted. Even premature graying is observed a lot of days.

In ayurveda hair is said to be a ‘mala’ (byproduct) of “Asthi Dhatu” (Bones). It is formed as mala when sarbhaga of asthidhatu is formed. Likewise body health of hair is dependent on the food consumed. If the food taken provides rich nourishment to “Asthi Dhatu ” and if proper care of hair is taken, then the health of hair will be good.

In today’s hectic lifestyle, consumption of fast food, bakery products, Chinese food, salty diet, outside food is increased. That’s why the hair problems have tremendously increased. Due to sour salty products , Pitta increases which goes to the hair follicle and thinning of root of hair follicles occurs which enhances the hair fall. If the pitta is increased to a large extend then premature graying takes place and younger person looks aged. 

The hair fall also increase in anemia and long lasting fevers. If the food increasing kapha dosha is taken in excessive the layers of “vikrut kapha” starts to form as scalp then it get dead and we call it as Dandruff, which also leads to hair fall. When this vikrut kapha get started at the hair root then glands at the base of hair follicle stop working and spots and pitches are formed which we torm as Alopecia.

The treatment is done as per the reason behind it. Just use of different oils and shampoos doesn’t give result but in contrast hair fall and graying goes on increasing. For this purpose internal (oral) medicines are given which provide nourishments to the Asthi Dhatu. Oils are also important for the application but use of nasya cinstillation of medicinal nasal drop is very beneficial. It strengthens and thickness hair root. 

Generally shampoos should be avoided. ayurvedic kwath should be used. Hot water shouldn’t be taken on head at the time of bath. Sour, soda products, junk food should be avoided and proper treatment under the guidance of expert doctor should be taken at proper time so that there will not be baldness and premature graying in early age

When it comes to hair care, it is not uncommon for people to think that there is no cure other than oils, shampoos, conditioners, and expensive serums. The main reason for this is the explosion of advertisements. There are so many advertisements for these products every day that it is difficult to know exactly what is right.

“Which shampoo is better?” Many people ask that question. Basically, you have to consider what the use of shampoo is. The shampoo is just an emulsifier used to wash hair. The oily part of the hair is dissolved in it and washed off with water. The contact of the shampoo with the hair lasts only a few seconds. What will be his contact with hair in such a short time?

Dandruff is a skin disease and if you want to treat skin disease, whatever medicine you put on the skin should stay on the skin for at least an hour. Shampoo can only be used to remove dandruff. The process of dandruff formation cannot be stopped.

The width of the herbal shampoo-type seems to be greatly increased at present. These herbal shampoos contain only a small amount of plant extracts, all the rest are chemicals. It would certainly be wrong to say that it is bad because it is a chemical element. But there is nothing real about herbs.

Nowadays, shampoos that soften hair and give shine are also available. These shampoos mainly contain chemical lubricants, which soften the hair, prevent it from getting tangled, and give it shine. Yet how safe this artificiality is for the health of the hair is a point of contention. The quality of the shampoo depends on its PH. The most important thing is that the shampoo should not be acidic or alkaline, it should be neutral.

It is true that oil is essential for hair, but it is not only useful for putting hair on top, it also needs to be absorbed by the roots. According to the principles of Ayurveda, Nasya (Nose) is the gateway to the head. According to Ayurveda, the oil should be put in the nose so that it affects the hair roots. It absorbs fluid from the system and local mucous membranes.

The next important part is to take the medicine in the stomach. The active ingredients in the medicine taken in the stomach also act as bone nourishment by protecting and enhancing the hair through the hair follicles. If spraying water or fertilizer on the leaves of the plant is of no use, the nutrients must go to the roots of the plant. The same rule applies to hair.

In Ayurveda, certain plants and medicines are described for this purpose. Significant hair growth is seen in about two to three months. These medicines should be discontinued for 15 to 20 days after 3 consecutive months. Continuing a single drug stops the body from responding. So keep this gap.

Keshaprabha – Effective pills for overall hair health

Veadcare Ayurveda has been working for hair health for the last 10 years. Kuntal Ayurveda has introduced a form of medicine called ‘Keshcare’ for the overall health of hair by studying the physical, mental, diet, vihar, and medicinal components.

The idea of beauty is not complete without beautiful hair! Black, long, thick, healthy hair is the concept of beauty. At present, hair has been replaced by different colored and styled hats (wigs). With the advancement of modern science about hair, we can do hair transplants artificially.

The hair follicles originate from about the 8th month of pregnancy. Especially in the 8th month, the baby gets dense hair.

 The seeds of natural fine hair are in the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Milk, curd, buttermilk, sesame, almonds, cashews, nachani, gum are the main sources of calcium in the diet and the fetus is well nourished. Nails and hair are formed in the form of bone marrow. The natural growth of hair and nails is seen in people whose bones are super strong.

When you think of hair, it looks different. In Vata Prakriti, the hair looks dull, thin, sparse, and rough. They are bruised with his mouth. Increased dryness of the scalp and heat can also cause hair to fall out. Can break. A piece of hair can fall out without falling out completely.

In bile, the hair is delicate, hazel, sparse. Sweating is more common in such cases. Oiliness remains.

Khalyatya means hair loss and Palitya means early graying of hair. Both of these complaints are more common in biliary tract individuals.

Kaph-type individuals are characterized by beautiful, thick, and dark hair. Hair density and growth are balanced. The rate of hair loss is very low because of the smoothness of the hair follicles.

Many male and female patients who come to the vedacare at present, especially between the ages of 20 and 40, complain of hair loss. It used to be more prevalent in the cold in the past, but now women report hair loss all year round.

Depending on the weather, the skin of the scalp stays moist due to dampness in the hair during the rainy season and summer. The skin stays dry in the cold.

In the current lifestyle, a woman’s awakening, unnecessary mental stress, hormonal changes with increasing age increase body heat. Excessive intake of salty and sour foods in the diet such as papad, pickles, and Chinese sauces can also lead to insomnia and hypersensitivity. At this time, applying oil to the hair and skin is very beneficial.

Dry, brittle hair is in vogue nowadays. Therefore, oiling hair for the last few years is considered obsolete. But according to Ayurveda, for beautiful hair, hair massage is essential for hair health. Just as the body needs a nutritious diet, the hair also needs a protein called keratin. 

Some products for hair work by nourishing the hair. When the hair follicles become weak and the hair falls out, they need to use bruhan, snigdh, and Kapha enhancers that will strengthen and nourish the children. 

Some have to be given in the form of medicines in the stomach while some substances like proven sesame oil and coconut oil have to be rubbed into the hair roots. Amla, Gulvel, Musta also digests and purifies the bones and removes the phlegm at the roots of the hair, opening the way for the hair to become nourished and get proper nutrition.

Lately, in school life, children’s hair looks white. Complaints of dull hair, breakage, disintegration, loss of density, and thinning of the hair are all complaints due to lack of oil. Clogging of the hair follicles is caused by Kapha and pitta. Therefore, ‘lubrication’ i.e. oil massage is the best remedy. Apply oil while sleeping at night or after waking up in the morning.

People who apply oil regularly have long-lasting hair. When choosing oil for hair, it should include Yashti, Maka Swaras, Amla, Sesame oil, Coconut milk, Blue Lotus, Vata Jata, etc. Many substances can be discarded. Chemicals and blended oils should be avoided if possible. Oil should not contain mineral oil. Choose oil without chemical preservatives.

It is not important to simply rub oil on the scalp or rub it hard on the scalp. The main purpose of massaging the hair with oil is to stimulate the blood vessels in the scalp and increase the blood circulation in them. While massaging the scalp, gently press the fingertips. Squeeze the oil into small pieces. Instead of combing, comb the hair and release it using your fingers. A good hair massage with oil has many benefits. As the roots become stronger, hair loss stops. Hair growth was good. The hair becomes shiny. Dandruff, chai, scalp infections do not happen. Long black hair remains. For those who suffer from headaches, it is reduced by abhyanga. A good night’s sleep and a good night’s sleep.

Another major hair problem is mature hair! When the pigment called melanin in the hair follicles begins to deplete, the hair begins to mature.

Lack of protein in the body is also an important reason. Prolonged and persistent stress, periods of great illness, mental shock, and physical exertion can all cause melanin deficiency and gray hair. Eating a protein-rich diet of all vitamins, eggs, milk, almonds, all types of grains, fenugreek, halibut, gum, kharik, coconut all help in hair health by increasing dietary protein.

Pitta causes hair to grow faster. Balancing pitta is useful to stop it. Tea powder is used to dye mature hair. There are many experiences of those whose hair has turned black from root to root due to continuous use of certain herbs for 2-3 years. Emphasis should be placed on overall nutrition to make the newly grown hair thicker and darker.

Different hair dyes, natural dyes, mehndi, etc. are available in the market these days. Without chemicals-ammonia, these dyes do not work. Even if the solution is visible in 5 minutes, the harm is permanent. Patients with the full forehead, face, and neck come to the hospital with blackheads. They have allergies to hairdo. Therefore, natural and sustainable remedies should be chosen as much as possible.

ayurvedic treatment for hair loss

Leaving the hair loose in the air, applying oil, dyeing the hair, constantly drying and ironing the hair, the affection that keeps the original hair safe is blown away. The hair becomes dry and weak. After straightening comes many women who have lost the health of their hair permanently. In such cases, the hair has to be treated with various remedies such as scalp, scalp, complaint, and various coatings. In men too, baldness occurs at an early age due to the use of dye, wearing a helmet, and constant gel tightening of the hair. Hormonal balancing, hemorrhagic drugs can undo. Balance of style and nutrition is more important nowadays.

At vedacare, we provide the following root caused based and personalized ayurvedic treatment for hair fall.

  • Consultation with Doctor
  • Shirodhara
  • Kesh Lepam
  • Kesh Dhavan ( Hair wash with specially prepared keshya medicines decoction)
  • Vaman or Virechan or Basti ( Medicated Enema )
  • Nasyam
  • Ayurvedic Medicines
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Nutrition Consultation

Dr.Harshal Nemade

Ayurveda Consultant

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