SHIRODHARA - शिरोधारा
Peace of Mind

Shirodhara, as one of the healing techniques of Ayurveda, is characterised by the continuous pouring, flowing, dripping, spilling of oil or any other liquids such as decoction, medicated milk, medicated butter milk and water on the forehead for a specific period of time.
In Sanskrit, shiro means “head”, and dhara means “continuous flow in a stream”
- In today’s fast-paced world, increased work stress, awakening, competition, all these motives seem to increase the vata in the body.
- Shirodhara is a specialised upkarma of panchakarma treatment used for nourishment of the brain & then to improve the functioning of the brain by reducing stress, improving sleep & memory.
- One of the preferred treatments in psychological diseases.
- At such times, many people use the Shirodhara to overcome that distorted atmosphere.
- Shirodhara is a simple but useful and effective treatment.
- Can be done as required without any prerequisites.
- Valuable in acute and chronic diseases.
Shirodhara may be performed using different types of oil or liquids as described below:
i. Tail Dhara (using oil)
ii. Takra Dhara (using buttermilk)
iii. Kshira Dhara (using milk)
iv. Kwath Dhara (using decoction)
- For Shirodhara the stream of oil, ghee, buttermilk, milk, or medicinal decoction, juice is held on the patient’s head from certain inches.
- The stream is expected to leave the center of the eyebrows in a continuous form.
- The use of Shirodhara is seen in various ailments, the medicine is taken according to the illness.
- In many chronic ailments, the symptoms improve after the onset of शिरोधारा.
- The probable mode of action of Tail Dhara is due to its oil action-Snehan Karma and heat action-Svedan Karma. It is believed that the oil nature will suppress the vata and pitta dosha while the heat will eliminate the vata and kapha dosha.
- The medicinal property of the herbs contained in the medicated oil may induce a hormone normalising effect on the pituitary gland. Therefore, relaxation of the body and mind could be achieved through Shirodhara.
Shirodhara Indications:-
- Anxiety
- Hair fall
- Hair problems
- Dandruff
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Facial paralysis
- Neurological disorders
- Psychological disorders
- Skin disorders such as Eczema,
- Psoriasis & Eruptions
- Headache
- Atrophy of the brain
- Diseases of the brain
- Paralysis
- Hypertension
skin diseases
chronic stomach ailments
epilepsy (frequent fit)
menstrual complaints (PCOD)
Shirodhara Benefits:-
- Reduction of blood pressure
- Reduction in stress
- Induces sleep
- Improves memory
- Improves hair growth
- Improves the function of the brain
- Sensitivity of the senses (strengthening of the senses and the senses)
- Body heat decreases, sleep is restored.
- Increase of stamina, Venus, Blood, etc
- Dhatu are properly nourished
- Improvement of the skin’s radiance, increase of body strength
- The beauty of the hair (stops hair loss or hair growth)
- The stability of the senses and the mind.
Shirodhara Procedure:-
- The patient should have food items that are easy to digest, non-oily, less spicy and warm during the entire treatment course.
- The patient shall try to be as relaxed, stay positive and stress free as possible throughout the treatment course.
- The patient should avoid from drinking cold water during the treatment course and lukewarm water is recommended.
- The patient should have meals or food at least two hours before the procedure.
- The patient should relieve any natural urges before commencement of the procedure.
- Special lep is applied on forehead before staring shirodhara
- Eyes are covered with cotton.
- Shirodhara is performed using special shirodhara yantra to continuous pouring of medicine on the forehead and then allowing it to flow over scalp.
- The patient may take a shower with lukewarm water approximately two hours after the procedure.
- The patient is advised not to expose themselves to direct sunlight, cold and/ or windy weather for at least one to two hours by covering their head, ears and neck region with appropriate clothing.
Complete course of Shirodhara treatment may range from 7 to 21 days depending on severity of illness. Ideally, it is performed for seven days. The treatment regime may be adjusted by the practitioner depending on each patient’s outcome to the treatment.
Takradhara are called headaches that are done using the above method instead of Shirodhara oils.
Takradhara is planned for the following disorders.
- Psoriasis
- Dislocation of limbs
- Excess body heat
- Dandruff
- Coughing
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Hyperthermia
- Fainting
- Mania
- Fatigue
- Epilepsy
- Indigestion
- Infatuation
- Diabetes
- Haemorrhage
- Menopausal symptoms
Along with Shirodhara therapy Raktamokshan, Vaman, Virechana, Shirodhara, Lepan treatments are useful in fastening the disease recovery or relieving chronic diseases.
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