Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine and its treatment is based on the principle that each person has a unique constitution. Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of medicine that has been used for over 5000 years to treat various illnesses without any side effects. Ayurveda believes in treating the root cause of diseases. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on treating the root cause of an diseases rather than just treating or suppressing symptoms.
Urticaria is a type of swelling that is also known as a rash or allergy. It resembles the swelling that occurs after being bitten by a fly or sandfly. Sheetapitta is characterised by excessive itching, pricking, and burning sensations in the affected area.
Hives – Urticaria are raised, itchy skin welts that can be caused by many things including allergies and stress. They can last for days or even weeks and can be very uncomfortable. The best way to treat hives is to identify the cause of the inflammation and then take steps to avoid it in the future. Urticaria is an allergic reaction. It is caused by an allergic reaction to a food, medication, or other allergen. Urticaria can also be caused by a physical stimulus such as heat, cold or pressure.
Why is the name of this disease Sheetapitta in ayurveda?
A question may arise. ‘Heat’ is the quality of Pitta. Vata-kapha dosha, which is vitilated due to the quality of ‘sheet’ guna, and pitta dosha, which is increased due to self-causes, come together and express themselves on the skin. Hence it is called ‘Sheetapitta’. In short, cold is not an attribute of pitta, but pitta is associated with kapha and vata, which are characterized by Sheeta guna – cold. It is equally important to note that this disease is not caused by pitta dosha alone.
Urticaria Causes
- While describing the process of how this disease occurs, it is described in Ayurveda as ‘Shitmarut Samsparshat’. This means, continuous exposure of cold wind to the skin causes such discomfort. In practice, it has been found that people who work in AC, who travel continuously by train, are more prone to this problem. Due to this cold, Vata-Kapha doshas in the body worsen.
- Intestinal worms
- Exposure to cold air
- Stress
- Food or Drug allergies
- An insect bite or sting
- Extreme temperature
- Excessive scratching
- Liver malfunction
- Poor digestion
- Urticaria after gallbladder surgery
- Psychiatric drugs
- Diseases due to vitiation of Rakta dhatu
- suppression of urge of vomiting and its treatment
- Dushi-visha (an artificial poison) vitiates the blood and causes symptoms such as urticaria.
- Apart from this, there may be reasons that increase / worsen pitta dosha, such as – untimely eating, oily – spicy – spicy food (Chinese, fast food, etc.), sleeping immediately after eating, waking up, etc. Such disordered tridoshas spread outside and inside the skin causing symptoms.
Urticaria Symptoms
- When aggravated vata dosha and kapha dosha mix with pitta dosha and come to the skin like red and white raised patches or scars appear on the skin.
- Irritation and severe itching
- These patches can occur alone, in groups, or connect across to form large area.
- Where there is swelling there is a pricking pain and burning sensation. In some patients, the symptoms of itching and swelling develop suddenly and disappear suddenly. In some patients, these symptoms last for a long time. Sometimes the swelling in one place on the skin is swollen in another place. Skin swelling subsides or disappears within 24 hours in one location but may reappear in another.
- It is sometimes accompanied by constipation, cough, cold, Bronchitis, or stomach disorder.
- itching palms.
Shitpitta is caused by cold wind, holding fast, causing kapha and vata to flare up, along with infection of pitta dosha, this increased pitta dosha spreads to the periphery of body due to vata, i.e. incresed pitta leaves the stomach and causes red patches at various places on the skin.
When Kapha is aggravated and pitta dosha produces circles on the skin and there is more kandu or itching in this circle, then it is called Utkotha.
Along with that, the important symptom of ‘intense itching’ appears. Stinging, burning sensation in that place are the main symptoms in sheetapitta.
Apart from this, symptoms like thirst, tastelessness in the mouth, nausea and body aches are also seen. Rarely, some patients experience fever.
If proper medication is not taken on time, many times this problem starts to worsen. Some experience itching and swelling daily, at certain times of the day, or never. A patient who has suffered from the disease says that he is ashamed to go outside because of the rash and itching. So it is better to take Ayurveda medicine on time.
urticaria ayurveda treatment
Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria takes a holistic approach to treating this condition. Ayurveda believes in treating the underlying cause of a problem rather than just the symptoms, such as itching. Ayurvedic treatments for urticaria are natural, safe, and effective..
Although most people take medication to reduce the itch, even after this medicine, patients still have itching and get hives on alternate days.
The Ayurvedic treatment of urticaria in each type of Sheetapitta, Utkoth, Kotha, Udard is done in a different way. Typically, pitta shamak medications are used in home remedies for urticaria.
Like rubbing dry kokum on the body, drinking kokum syrup, etc. But, it is not only a disease of pitta; vata and kapha doshas are also vitiated in this condition. Although home remedies can temporarily relieve the symptoms, they are insufficient for those who experience them on a regular basis.
In Sheetapitta kulthi-Horse gram soup, curry vegetables, use of hot water for bathing and drinking is recommended, besides taking cold water for bath, cold air or cold water.
According to Ayurveda, the main purpose of treatment is to eliminate the disease from the root. This is done by balancing the doshas in the body that are the cause of hives rather than only treating the symptoms like itching.
In addition, chronic urticaria patients require treatment for stomach ailments, chronic acidity, worm infestations, thyroid disorders, chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, etc.
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That is, applying oil containing pungent herbs and hot water fomentation are both effective external treatments.
Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria includes panchakarma, it is a best detoxification process that involves five different treatments based on the condition of doshas from patient examination. panchakarma therapy such as Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Raktamokshana, etc. can be used for patients with chronic urticaria.
Urtivaria-hives is not a life-threatening condition. When the problem is superficial, taking only temporary medications never cures the disease; on the contrary, it worsens over time. As a result, it is important to learn how to cure this problem based on dietary changes, proper medication, and treatment.
Following a proper diet is as important as the medicine in completely treating the urticaria. Because there will be no disease unless we make mistakes in our diet and lifestyle.
How long will it take ayurveda to show improvement from urticaria?
Using Ayurvedic medicine for new urticaria-shitpitta problems, the majority of patients are completely cured within four to six months. But, it can take up to a year for some people to get proper treatment for chronic urticaria-hives. Patients suffering from autoimmune disorders may require long-term treatment.
Early treatment requires accurate diagnosis and identification of all causes. Making the right lifestyle changes and avoiding known bad diet habits are also important in preventing relapses.
How to cure urticaria permanently
Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria has many benefits, such as:
It can cure the symptoms of urticaria permanently by reducing inflammation in the body and clearing the mind. It can heal your body and mind by treating your whole being, not just your physical symptoms. It can help you find balance between your mind, body, and spirit.
Being an integral unit of the nature, these seasonal changes in nature affect human physiology too. Therefore, one must follow the specific regimen for maintaining the equilibrium of body components in harmony with nature. The seasonal regimen is designed on the basis of changes in the dosha, bala, and agni (digestive power). No disease will occur without a mistake in our diet, so it is important to follow a regimen in any disease.
Many diseases described in Ayurveda have unique causes that manifest during a specific season. Cold air aggravates the kapha and vata doshas as well as the pitta dosha, resulting in sheetapitta. It is more prevalent during the rainy and winter seasons, particularly in Shishira ritu.
Disease prevention is fully based on our habits; it is irresponsible to simply rely on medications to treat illnesses. On the one hand, the disease won’t be cured if you take the doctor’s prescription yet continue to eat and drink poorly.
Best and effective medicine in Ayurveda for chronic urticaria disease
Vedacare Ayurveda Clinic offers a variety of different treatments for urticaria including Panchakarma Treatment-detoxification. It has been shown to be effective for treating hives.
Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria can be done by using some natural remedies like turmeric, ginger, garlic, cumin seeds and coriander seeds. These are some effective medicines in Ayurveda for chronic urticaria disease.
Although there are numerous treatments for urticaria and other allergic skin problems in modern science, disease recurrence is frequent in many patients. By using several Ayurvedic formulations and adhering to Pathya Apathy in a logical manner, Ayurveda has a significant amount of potential in the treatment of urticaria and allergic conditions
Any disease can be managed well with the help of pathya-apathya sevana vidhi. Pathya refers to that which is suitable for the disease. Apathya, on the other hand, is improper and aggravates the disease process, causing the person discomfort.
Pathya Ahara and Vihara
- Jeerna Shali
- Triphala
- Madhu
- Mug dal Yusha
- Kulattha Yusha
- Hot water
- Bitter Gourd leaves
- White Radish Yusha
- Pomegrante
- Moringa leaves
- White Radish leaves
- Consumption of bitter, pungent, astringent foods
- horse gram soup
Apathya Ahara and Vihara
- Sleeping during day time
- Fish
- Cold Air
- Cold bath
- Naveena Madhya
- Exposing body to sun light
- Virudhahara
- Sexual intercourse
- Oily, Sour, Sweet Foods

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