How to Increase AMH Levels in Ayurveda
The infertility problem is growing worldwide so fast that it has become a matter of concern. There can be many reasons for the problem of infertility. One of which is the main reason for women not producing eggs or becoming very young.
A follicle is a small fluid-filled sac in the ovaries that contains a developing egg. At the start of puberty, women have around 3 to 4 millions eggs. During each menstrual cycle, a few follicles with eggs are chosen to grow and mature. However, most of them do not reach maturity and fade away. Only one follicle is selected each month to reach maturity. When the follicle is fully developed, it ruptures and releases the egg, making it ready for fertilization. This usually occurs about 14 days after the menstrual cycle begins. Follicles also produce hormones that regulate different stages of the menstrual cycle.
The ovum, also referred to as the egg or oocyte, is the female reproductive cell. Within the ovaries, there are multiple follicles, each containing an egg, initiate the maturation process during every menstrual cycle. However, typically, only one follicle attains maturity and is chosen to release the egg. This selection process generally takes place around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
Understanding follicles is important for assessing fertility and fertility treatments. A woman is born with a lifetime supply of eggs in follicles, and the selection of follicles begins with the first menstruation. Higher quality follicles are believed to be selected first. aged women may face more challenges in getting pregnant due to a lower quantity and potentially lower quality of eggs, which can contribute to a higher rate of miscarriage.
AMH has a great importance in a diagnosis as a planning treatment modality of various conditions influencing the reproductive health of a female.
Hormonal analysis, such as Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) testing, is often performed when couples experience difficulties in conceiving. However, counting ovarian follicles through ultrasound scans remains an excellent method for estimating ovarian reserve. Ovarian reserve refers to the ovary’s potential to produce fertilizable eggs, leading to successful pregnancies.
It is difficult to determine the normal number of follicles in each ovary since counting all of them is impossible. Primordial follicles, which are too small to be seen with the naked eye or detected by any test, cannot be included in the count. While multiple follicles can start developing in each cycle, normally only one follicle will release an egg, while the others deteriorate.
As primordial follicles mature and grow, they become antral follicles. The antral follicle count (AFC) or basal antral follicle count is a method of measuring the follicles capable of reaching maturity. They are measured and counted using a transvaginal ultrasound scan. The number of antral follicles can change from month to month.
A woman is considered to have adequate or normal ovarian reserve if the antral follicle count is between 6 and 10. If the count is less than 6, the ovarian reserve may be considered low, while a count higher than 12 indicates a high reserve. These tests do not provide the total number of follicles in a woman’s ovaries, but they can serve as an indicator of the remaining eggs.
According to Ayurved, menopausal women and patients with anovulatory cycles are called as “Vandhya”, due to their inability to conceive. Main causes of infertility include male factor, decreased ovarian reserve, tubal injury, or blockage, Para tubal adhesions, advanced maternal age, endocrine abnormalities, etc. and unexplained infertility.
Ayurveda For Low AMH
Along with the ability to indicate ovarian reserve it also helps to predict ovarian response to stimulation as in case of IVF. various conditions stimulate low AMH like dhatu kshaya, beej dusti, aartav kshaya.
When the eggs are not formed in the ovaries of women, then their chances of conception decrease completely. Indian women are very much shy from talking about this subject due to shame and so they are not able to discuss women health-related topics properly.
Failure to produce eggs in the ovaries of women greatly affects the fertility of women. Now the first thing to know is how to find out whether eggs are being formed in women or not – for this, it is necessary to check AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone).
Low AMH Treatment In Ayurveda
Anti‑Mullerian hormone (AMH) produced by granulosa cells of preantral and antral follicles acts as a potential marker for ovarian reserve useful in predicting ovarian response to controlled ovarian stimulation.
The serum level of AMH in women with normal cycles declines with age and becomes undetectable by the time of menopause. As the ovarian primordial follicle count decreases the serum AMH concentration also decreases making this hormone an ideal candidate for the early detection of ovarian reserve depletion.
Decreased ovarian reserve – Oocyte reserve refers to the size of the non-growing or resting primordial follicle population which presumably determines the number of growing follicles and the quality or the reproductive potential of their oocyte. Oocyte related decline in fertility is known as “decreased ovarian reserve”
Low AMH Level Treatment In Ayurveda
Normal level of AMH is between 2.20 to 6.80 ng / ml. If its level is less than 1.5 ng / ml then it is known as Low AMH – Anti Mullerian Hormone. Now it will be completely clear that if the AMH level of the woman is low, then she may have trouble in conceiving.

How to Increase AMH with Ayurveda
Overcoming Low AMH Levels and Poor Egg Quality: Ayurvedic Solutions for Fertility
Struggling with low AMH levels and poor egg quality can be a distressing experience for women who dream of conceiving. Failed IUI or IVF attempts and recommendations for donor eggs can further add to the emotional burden. However, there is hope.
Low AMH Levels and Egg Quality
AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) serves as a marker for ovarian reserve and aging. Low AMH levels indicate diminished ovarian reserve, while high levels may suggest conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). However, it’s important to note that AMH levels alone do not determine fertility. Assessing follicle count, FSH levels, and overall health are crucial for evaluating egg quality and responsiveness to fertility treatments such as IVF.
Ayurvedic Approach to Boost Fertility
Many women seek Ayurveda treatment to improve fertility without resorting to donor eggs. Ayurveda offers a unique Medicines, Panchakarma and rejuvenation treatment plan that has shown promising results over the years. Ayurvedic interventions, when combined with lifestyle changes, can significantly improve fertility outcomes.
Ayurveda and AMH:
A Holistic Solution Ayurveda emphasizes the holistic well-being of an individual, addressing the root causes of health issues. By incorporating Ayurvedic principles, it is possible to support egg quality and improve AMH levels. Ayurvedic treatments aim to detoxify the body, balance hormones, and enhance reproductive health. These treatments include personalized herbal formulations, Panchakarma, and Rasayana therapies.
For women facing low AMH levels, poor egg quality, and low ovarian reserve, Ayurvedic medicine offers a ray of hope. With personalized treatment plans, including ayurvedic medicines and panchakarma therapies, Ayurveda aims to improve fertility outcomes naturally. Dr. Harshal Nemade’s experience highlight the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicines in helping women conceive naturally or achieve successful IUI/IVF cycles using their own eggs. So that Ayurvedic interventions can help women achieve their dream of having a healthy baby. If you are struggling with fertility issues, consider exploring Ayurvedic treatments to enhance your chances of conception and preserve your fertility.
Kya Hota Hai LOW AMH
A certain number of eggs produced in every woman and the egg in the ovary of the woman decreases with age and the age comes when the ovary of the woman completely stops producing eggs. According to Ayurveda, as the age of a woman increases, similarly, her eggs begin to decrease, i.e. LOW AMH, but currently women have started declining AMH levels at a very young age. The main reason behind this is that today’s lifestyle, food habits, routine, tension etc.
Therefore, Ayurveda says that there is also a certain age for a woman to conceive, at which time the conception is most likely positive. Because at that age the number of eggs in the woman’s uterus is present in enough quantity.
Low AMH Ayurvedic Treatment – Low AMH Ka Ayurvedic Upchar
According to Ayurveda, The quality of number of eggs which are present in ovaries can be improved by Ayurvedic treatment. only one egg is required for fertilization.
According to the fertility expert of Vedacare Ayurveda, you can massage the castor oil for four days in a week, it helps to increase the size of egg in the ovaries and also improve their quality.
Dr. Harshal Nemade says that stress also causes a decrease in eggs, so women should not take any kind of stress including stress for getting pregnant. The secretion of hormones is less due to stress, this causes the balance of hormones to deteriorate. So do not take stress in the routine at all.
To increase the quality and number of eggs, you should take a fertility diet so that your eggs are not damaged and at the same time be prepared for good quality Lifestyle.
You can also consume sesame seeds to keep eggs healthy. Sesame seeds helps to boost egg health.
How to Increase AMH Levels In Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment protocol including a combination of both Shamana and Shodhana therapies is helpful in improving the AMH value to a satisfactory level. These treatment approach is helpful for the patient to undergo an IVF treatment with her own eggs that was not possible earlier due to low AMH level.
with ayurvedic treatment conception has occurred in some patients suggested with IVF with donor oocyte having AMH level of 0.01 (very low fertility rate) got conceived and in patients who had AMH level below satisfactory level. This indicates AMH is not a determining factor and there are other unknown factors that favor the fertility potential of the oocyte.
AMH Increase Medicine In Ayurveda
Vandhya chikithsa in Ayurveda comprises a multifactorial approach with Rasayana chikitsa followed by shodhana treatment known as Panchakarma treatment is found to have promising results in the management of amh level.
From the broad references described in the Ayurvedic classics, the condition like arthava kshaya due to apakwa rasadhathu formation as a consequence of vishamagni can be considered as a reduction in reproductive potential.
Low AMH but Regular Periods
As per Ayurveda, vandhyathwa is managed with Panchakarma treatment and Uttara basti so as to get a healthy progeny devoid of Beeja dhushti (abnormalities of germ cells).
In case of a low AMH Ayurved provides an effective management with Deepan, Pahchan, Medhya, Balya, Jivaniya, Bruhaniy, Vyasthapan, Rasayan, Vajikaran medicines.
A single ovum is formed in a woman while millions of sperm are produced in men. Only one of these sperm is strong enough to reach ovum for conception. Panchakarma is used to increase this ability to produce healthy ovum.
Both Shodhan and Shaman therapies are important in fertility problems in Ayurveda are helpful regarding in conditions like low AMH.
Sodhana (Vamana, virechana) done after Purva karma expels the vitiated doshas from koshta.
Panchakarma like vaman, virechan, asthapana basti, anuvasana basti, Nasya should be done with selected drugs as per the constitution of patient with consideration of dosh, dhatu, mala. Panchakarma specifically virechan and Matra Basti as per patients need provide very effective results.
As per kasyapa virechana is the main treatment for improving beeja karmukatha (increased fertility potential of germ cells). Virechan, which is useful for this, is considered to be the major Panchakarma. It pacifies the vitiated Kapha and vata dosha and removes vitiated excessive Pitta and thus does raktashodhana (blood purification). which eventually improves quality of ovum.
Basti karma is indicated in alpa raja and anarthava (conditions associated with male and female infertility) especially it is indicated in infertility. Anuvasana Basti is very important and essential Panchakarma in AMH because the role of anuvasana basti.
Uttar Basti is also used according to condition of a patient. Uttar basti should be administered after sodhana. It facilitates direct drug administration into uterus and accelerates formation of avyapanna garbhava samagri (factors essential conception).
Nasya with oil prepared with Stripuspha Janan Dravya is used for treatment.
As per Charaka Rushi substance which maintains health by producing the best quality of Rasa, Rakta, Shukra (Sperm), Raj (Ovum) dhatu etc dhatus are called as Rasayana. Thus Rasayan medicines included in treatment protocol will enhance production of fertility factors and hence the preservation of fertility status can be restored.
Understanding the AMH Challenge
Ayurveda provides unique insights into the follicular growth phase in women’s ovaries during the menstrual cycle, offering personalized treatments based on Ayurvedic principles for each individual case. However, convincing patients to continue Ayurvedic medication for a longer duration of 10 to 18 months can be challenging. Many individuals prematurely discontinue treatment, assuming it is ineffective, due to their desire for quick results or concerns about potential side effects. It is crucial to advise patients against self-diagnosing based on online searches or consuming Ayurvedic remedies without proper guidance from a qualified doctor, as this can have counterproductive effects. Being patient, trusting the doctor and the prescribed treatments, and diligently adhering to instructions are qualities of an ideal patient (Rogi) who is likely to experience high recovery according to Ayurveda’s principles.
Which Food Increase AMH Level
While no specific food has been scientifically proven to increase AMH levels, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet support overall fertility health. A personalised constitutional diet including fresh vegetables, whole grains, fruits etc is recommended.
Yoga to Increase AMH Level
If you are considering trying yoga to improve your fertility, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if yoga is right for you and can recommend a safe and effective yoga practice.
Some yoga poses that may be beneficial for fertility include:
Setu Bandhasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Virabhadrasana II
It is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard when practicing yoga. If you experience any pain, stop the pose and consult with your doctor.
Shatavari For Low AMH Level
Shatavari is well known commonly used Ayurvedic herb, with traditional use in enhancing female fertility. It has properties that helps in regulating the menstrual cycle, stimulating ovulation, and improving egg quality. it is recommended to consult with an ayurvedic consultanant for personalized advice and guidance regarding the use of shatavari and its dosage. Shatavari has been shown to increase AMH levels in some studies. But it has to used with other fertility herbs.
Ayurvedic Medicine To Increase AMH Level
If you are considering taking Ayurvedic medicine to improve your AMH levels, it is important to consult your ayurvedic doctor first. They can help you with Ayurvedic medicines and recommend a safe and effective dosage.
How Can AMH Levels Be Naturally Increased?
When it comes to boosting AMH levels naturally, it is advisable to follow a diet, lifestyle. For overweight individuals, weight loss is recommended, along with quitting smoking. Additionally, panchakarma is beneficial in enhancing AMH levels.
Can Low AMH Levels Cause Miscarriage?
Yes, low AMH levels can contribute to miscarriage. When AMH levels are low, the likelihood of releasing and fertilizing a high-quality egg diminishes. Poor egg quality increases the risk of early miscarriages due to abnormalities in the eggs.
Does Low AMH Cause Infertility?
Low AMH is not exactly the cause of infertility but an indicator of state of depleted ovarian reserve. they serve as an indicator of ovarian reserve. Diminished ovarian reserve, resulting from a reduced number of eggs or no eggs in the ovarian reserve, can pose challenges in achieving pregnancy and increase the risk of infertility.

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