For determining the proper ahar, ayurveda provides a rational and empirical method. Ayurveda describes a special and significant idea called Viruddha Ahara. Viruddha Ahara is the name of the diet that throws off the harmony between the body’s constituent parts. The combination of two substances that are not related to one another is described by Viruddha’s second meaning. Paying attention and avoiding certain food pairings will enhance digestion, level of nutrients, and overall health.
Viruddha anna, or an unbalanced diet, is a crucial topic mentioned in detail in Ayurveda. According to the literature on Ayurveda, it is thought to be the root of numerous systemic illnesses. Viruddha Ahara consumers are more likely to develop a variety of diseases. Understanding the connection between Viruddha Ahara and the various metabolic problems is crucial. It’s also crucial to understand how specific food combinations combine to cause sickness.
The name “Viruddha” actually means the opposite. It appears that a specific combination of foods may have
- Differing qualities
- When digested in a specific form, it might have unfavorable effects on the body.
- When mixed in a specific ratio, it could have negative effects.
- Differing tissue activity
- If ingested at the incorrect moment, it could have an undesired effect.
Ayurvedic literature describes several types of Viruddha Aahara, which can be summarized as follows
Viruddha Kala
Consumption of substances that are contrary to time or season
For example, in Ushna kal (Grishma, Sharada Rutu), it is mentioned that food substances with opposing Rasa and Guna are beneficial. As a result, similar qualities of food substances are harmful to the respective season and may be a cause of disease over time.
Agni Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are detrimental to digestion. For example, when there is Mandagni (low digestion power), intake of Guru food (heavy to digest) and intake of Laghu (light) food. when the power of digestion is Tikshnagni (sharp) and intake of food at variance with irregular and normal digestion power.
Satmya Viruddha
Consumption of unwholesome substances. For example, a person accustomed to Katu (pungent) and Ushna (hot) substance may consume Madhur (sweet) and Sheet (cold) substances.
Dosha Viruddha
For example, use drugs, diets, and regimens that have similar qualities to Dosha but differ from the individual habit.
Matra Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are prohibited by law. Intake of Madhu (Honey) and Ghrita (Ghee) in equal amounts, Intake of Madhu (Honey) and Rain water in equal amounts, Honey + Cow’s ghee mixed in equal amounts
Veerya Viruddha
Consumption of substances with Ushna (hot) potency in combination with those with Sheet (cold) potency. For instance, a. Fish + Milk
Sanskar Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are harmful to the mode of preparation Drugs and diets that, when prepared in a specific way, produced poisonous effects. As an example Warm Honey
Avastha Viruddha
Consumption of substances prohibited by conditions. for example Intake of Vata aggravating food by a person after heavy exertion, sexual act, or physical exertion, also the consumption of Kapha aggravating foods by a person following sleep or drowsiness.
Koshtha Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are contrary to the nature of the bowels. For example, administering a lower dose of a mild purgative drug to a person with Krura koshta, versus administering a higher dose of a heavy purgative drug to a person with soft bowel.
Kram Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are out of order. eg. Eating curd at night. Drinking hot water after taking honey. Consumption of food without bowel clearance and urination. Consumption of food when he lacks appetite. He does not eat when he is hungry.
Parihar Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are antagonistic to those that relieve symptoms. For example- drinking cold water right after drinking hot tea or coffee. consuming hot potency food after consuming boar meat, etc.
Upachar Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are harmful to treatment. For example – Consumption of cold items after consuming ghee. Drinking hot water after consuming Madhu (Honey)
Paaka Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are harmful to cooking. Food preparation with contaminated or rotten fuel, as well as undercooking, overcooking, or burning during the cooking process.
Hriday Viruddha.
Consumption of substances disliked by the individual.
Sanyoga Viruddha
Consumption of substances that are anti-combination or the ingestion of two such substances that, when combined, have poisonous effects. For instance- Fruit Salad / Banana + Milk. consuming sour substances with milk.
Sampad Viruddha
consumption of substances that lack the necessary properties. Consuming substances that are immature, overripe, or putrid, for instance.
Viruddha Vidhi
This category includes diets that do not follow the Aharvidhi.
Viruddha Ahara-
caused diseases from the preceding list, it is clear that any procedure, combination, dose, amount of food, or food with opposing properties, if consumed on a regular basis, can result in a variety of disorders. According to Charakacharya, such incorrect combinations can even result in death.
If the above-mentioned dietary rules are not followed, the diseases caused by Viruddha Aahara can occur, as listed below.
Impotency, Visarpa (erysipelas), blindness, ascitis. bullus, insanity, fistula in ano, coma or fainting, intoxication, abdominal distention, stiffness in neck, varieties of anemia, indigestions, various skin diseases, diseases of intestines, swelling, gastritis, fever, rhinitis, and infertility.
According to the above list, Viruddha Anna can cause impotency and infertility, and thus has an effect up to Shukra Dhatu Dushti. If the diseases in the preceding list are classified according to body system, it can be stated that continuous consumption of Viruddha Ahara affects the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, nervous system, and circulatory systems. This inflammatory effect is significant because these are the fundamental pathologies that cause Agni Mandya, Ama, and a variety of metabolic disorders.
According to the above list, Viruddha Anna can cause impotency and infertility, and thus has an effect up to Semen deformity. If the diseases in the preceding list are classified according to body system, it can be stated that continuous consumption of Viruddha Ahara affects the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, nervous system, and circulatory systems. This inflammatory effect is significant because these are the fundamental pathologies that cause Agni Mandya, Ama, and a variety of metabolic disorders.
Ayurveda defines a specific diet and its combinations as one that disrupts metabolism. Improper food combination not only causes indigestion but also causes your body to produce toxins. This is due to the fact that, according to Ayurveda, each food atom has a distinct taste, potency, energy, and effect on the digestive system.
When food with different energies is combined, it can overload the digestive fire, resulting in indigestion, ama accumulation, dhatus vitiation, channel obstruction, and toxin production. This prevents you from obtaining adequate nutrition.
Viruddha Ahara is a significant component of today’s poor dietary habits. This can unknowingly expose patients to a variety of dangerous diseases. As a result, it is critical to identify the causative incompatible dietary factors and educate patients on how to avoid such etiologic factors.

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