VIRECHAN - विरेचन
Purgative Detoxification

Virechana is the second among five Panchakarma detoxifying – cleansing therapies.
It helps in clearing the lower part of the body & is the best remedial solution for Pitta dosha & second best remedy for vata dosha.
Prior to the virechana – Purgation therapy, internal oleation with medicated ghee/oil is advised for 5-7 days according to the patient’s constitutions is done.
After proper preparation the patient is given specially created Virechan medicine.
Virechana Benefits:-
- Lightness of the body
- Increase in appetite
- Reduction of repetition of diseases pathology.
- Reduction of skin Diseases
- Improved immunity
- Reduction of weight
- Reduction In Cholesterol & Triglycerides
- Helps to remove blood toxins
Virechana Indications:-
- Febrile illness
- Skin diseases
- Diseases characterized by polyuria as well as abnormal character of urine
- Diseases characterized by tendency of spontaneous bleeding
- Raktapitta from the upper routes like mouth, nostrils etc
- Fistula-in-ano
- Hemorrhoids
- Inguinal hernia
- Splenic enlargement due to different causes
- Diseases related to abdomen characterized by abdominal pain and mass
- Malignant tumors
- Thyroid swelling
- Cystic swellings
- Slow poisoning
- Disease characterized by both vomiting and diarrhea
- Virechana is very much beneficial in curing the different obstinate skin diseases.
- Abnormal stagnation of the food in the gastrointestinal tract with no sign of expulsion in the form of either vomiting or diarrhoea
- Worm infestations
- Reduction in the urine
- Acute bacterial infection of the skin and mucous membrane.
- Anemia
- Headache
- Pain in the sides of the chest
- Abnormal upward course of morbid vata dosha in the abdomen
- Burning eyes
- Burning sensation in the mouth
- Disorders of the heart
- Pigmented spots on face
- Bluish pigmentation
- Tastelessness
- Watering of the eyes
- Nasal discharge
- Chlorosis
- Bronchial Asthama,
- Acid peptic disorders
- Skin disorders
- Allergy
- Psoriasis
- Paralysis
- Hepatic disorders
- Reduction of repeated attacks of Burning & acidity
- Reduction of Skin Diseases, skin patches, Plagues and dryness as in Psoriasis, Eczema & dermatitis
- Chronic fevers
- Headaches- Migraine
- Liver disease
- Pain In The Sides Of The Chest
- Abnormal Upward Course Of Morbid Vata Dosha In The Abdomen
- Tastelessness
- Watering Of The Eyes
- Nasal Discharge
- Chlorosis
The whole procedure of virechana karma includes preparation of the Patient initially with snehana and svedana for a certain period, followed by oral medication for purgation.
After the purgation, the patient is then subjected to samsarjana krama as a follow-up procedure.
Examination of The Patient :-
- Before planning the virech karma the Patient is thoroughly investigated to ascertain the indication of this karma as well as to exclude any factor of contraindication.
- Simultaneously the physical strength of the Patient is also assessed.
- Virechana is planned in physically strong persons in whom this shodhana therapy is indicated.
Dipana-Pachana Chikitsa:-
- To begin with to achieve optimum functioning of the gastrointestinal tract the Patient is treated with pachana chikitsa.
- For this specific medicine is given orally for about 1 – 2 weeks till the desired effect is observed.
- After ascertaining the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract the Patient is subjected to abhyantara snehapana.
- The Sneha for this procedure is selected according to the illness or otherwise as detailed in the chapter of snehapana.
- Depending upon the appearance of the desired effect of snehapana it is carried out for about seven days.
Abhyanga and Swedan:
- Following abhyantara snehapana abhyanga and sveda is carried out on the— 8th day.
- Oil for abhyanga and decoction for svedana is selected according to the illness or Prakriti of the Patient.
- After these procedures on the 9th day, the Patient will be subjected to virechana therapy.
- This is the usual preparation of the Patient if only the virechana karma is planned as a shodhana procedure.
- Always oral medication for virechana purpose is given in an empty stomach to achieve the best results from the therapy.
- A little variation in this procedure is expected if Vamana karma is followed by the virechana karma.
Virechana Diet:-
Following snehapana till the day of virechana, i.e. on the eight-day, the Patient is given foods that are unctuous, warm, and probably liquid.
Meat soup, rice, and sour fruits may be given for food.
On the day of virechana, no food is allowed before the administration of purgatives.
Before Virechan (Medicated Purgation) one has to consume a specific diet which should not increase the Kapha After Virechana patient has to follow a strict dietary regimen where gradual increase in the quality & quantity of the food is carried out. This period varies depending upon the quantitative shodhana & can be from 5 -7 days
Samsarjana Krama:-
By subjecting to virechana karma the digestive power is likely to be weakened.
Therefore regular diet is not advisable for several days following virechana karma.
Immediately after the karma as the digestive power is very weak only liquid food is advisable.
As the digestion power shows a gradual increase the food is also slowly changed to solids or regular foods.
This helps in the complete recovery of the digestive ability.
Considering this aspect of the digestion, the common formulation of diet prescription for lunch and supper is detailed here.
- Supper on day of virechana = only liquid portion of the gruel (peya).
- Lunch on 1st day after virechana karma = Only liquid portion of the gruel (peya).
- Supper on 1st day after virechana = Only liquid portion of the gruel (peya).
- Lunch on 2nd day after virechana = Gruel with little solid portion (wilepi) added with a small amount of salt and ghee.
- Supper on 2nd day after virechana = Gruel with little solid portion (vilepi) added with a small amount of salt and ghee.
- Lunch on 3rd day after virechana = Gruel with little solid portion added (vilepi) with a small amount of salt and ghee.
- Supper on 3rd day after virechanam= Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Lunch on 4th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Supper on 4th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Lunch on 5th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Supper on 5th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Lunch on 6th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Supper on 6 th day after virechanam = Rice (prepared from 160 grams of rice) with green gram soup (yusha), salt, and ghee.
- Lunch on the Final 7th day after virechana = Vegetable soup / Meat soup (rasa) with salt.
- Supper on Final 7th day after virechana = Vegetable soup / Meat soup (7asa) with salt.
- Lunch on 7th day after virechana = Vegetable soup / Meat soup (rasa) with salt.
- Supper on 7th day after virechana = Usual diet from here onwards.
In the above diet course of 7 days counting from the day of virechana, four forms of food are prescribed as liquid gruel, gruel, rice, and soup.
And every form of food is repeated for 3 meals time.
This is the diet course of Patients who have undergone the best degree of shodhana.
Patients who have shown a moderate degree of shodhana each form of food is given for 2 meals time.
And therefore the diet course completes in 5 days including the day of virechana.
Similarly, each form of food is given for only one meal time in Patients who have shown minimal degree of shodhana.
And the diet course in such Patients completes in 3 days
Along with Virechana therapy Raktamokshan, Vaman, Basti, Shirodhara treatments are useful in fastening the disease recovery.
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Virechan Panchakarma

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